Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday April 25, 2014

Frugals today:

Paid my bills on time so no late fee's.  Organized the next 2 weeks of bills so I know how much I have left after bills and keeping on top of when they are due.

We had a weeks worth of tomato paste left in the cabinet.. we go through 10 cans a week as I make dh's tomato juice myself, cost less doing it that way and I control the sodium.  Tomato juice in the stores even the supposedly low sodium is packed with sodium higher than our intake allows so I have made it myself for years thanks to the recipe from Hillbilly Housewife's site.  So anyways.. I had a post office box that I had meant to use to ship something.  I put 10 cans in the box, labeled it for Winter Use and have it in my pantry.  I will continue to stock up on those so that this winter it's something I don't have to worry about buying and lugging in the house through 6 feet of snow and even saving myself a trip to the store when it's bad weather.

I am making a inventory of canned items we use a lot of and will buy extra's throughout the warmer months and will make less trips to the store this winter.

I am applying for retail jobs right now and most have a employee discount I will utilize that for grocery item stock up.

I had a friend once years back who really liked good expensive jewelry.  She took a job working the jewelry counter at what was then Lazarus (now Macy's).  She got paid to work there part time and got a employee discount so she was able to buy some nicer things that she normally couldn't afford to buy and got paid to do it.  Smart thinking.  Her husband was home in the evenings and weekends so he took care of the children while she worked so no child care cost.


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