Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Cleaning Tip

I saw a tip recently that i tried.. rubbing alcohol works greats for cleaning mirrors even my flat screen tv screen.

Monday, January 11, 2016

January 2016

Goodness it's been awhile since I posted on here, life has just been so busy.  Since my last post in August 2015 we found the Lord and our life has taken a new direction.  We now go to church every Sunday which we love but it's taken even more of my time.

I am now working between 35 to 40 hours a week different hours most weeks so it's been a challenge that I have often failed with providing healthy home cooked meals, we have done a lot of fast fooding which is not healthy and definitely not frugal.

I tried getting back in to couponing getting the Sunday paper for the coupons, found that it wasn't paying for itself at $15 a month so we cancelled it last week and I just use the digital coupons put out by Krogers now.

Late summer I did a lot of canning from my garden which produced a bountiful of tomatoes.  I am looking forward to planting another garden this year.

In late August we traded in my truck for a new Honda Civic Hybrid which is saving us tons of money on gas cost.  I fill up once a month now instead of every 10 days or so.  A tank of gas will usually last that whole month unless we use my car for traveling to church which is about 100 miles round trip.

Our insurance cost went up this year another $35 a week Ugh! the government sure knows how to keep the middle class poor.  I am so thankful that I have a job to help defray these rising cost.

Today I am making a big pot of ham and bean soup which cost about $7 to make.  I found hams on sale last week $3 for one and $4 for another.  I'll be cutting up the second one today and freezing it for later meals.

I'll try to get back on here more often.. I am still being frugal just forget to put it on here.

God Bless All My Frugal Friends.
