Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday Afternoon

Went to Lowes (not at all frugal) bought pet resistant rat poison, rat cage, rat sticky traps.. so I have a full arsenal.  The plan is to put the rat poison in the rat cage, catch the rat in the cage where hopefully he'll have taken a snack of the poisoned bait and die in there.

I also bought dirt and 4 tomato plants and a american flag we are late putting one up this year.

So not frugal but the rat issue if we don't get it taken care of come fall/winter he'll be deciding to move him and his family into our house, chew wires, get into whatever food he can find.. so frugal is getting rid of them now.

I also went to Aldi's and stocked up on 3 month supply of peanut butter, what our household uses for 3 months.  And a months worth of tomato paste for dh's homemade tomato juice.

This past weekend I planned to shop on Sunday for tomato paste and a few other things, ended up working that day and got home right before the store closed and I was so tired after being on my feet for 6 hours straight so plan ahead on things we use the most to keep stocked up.


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