Thursday, August 6, 2015


Today I am blanching 50 peaches.  Aldi's had them on sale this week for 19 cents each.  Krogers had them last week for 89 cents a lb. so far I have made 9 pints of peach jam, blanching peaches this morning to make more jam tomorrow morning before heading out to do chores.

I will make more jam tomorrow and what is left will be made into canned peaches to enjoy this winter.  Peach peels will be cooked down and the juice will make popsicles with.

I figured out my cost including canning lids, sugar, peaches and pectin (jars are recyclable) $1.79 per pint of jam.  That's darn good savings.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Product Review

Just bought these today..

It says that the lids seal tightly.  You are to fill them with juice, pop, etc. and freeze.  I filled with peace juice that I made from skin peels, sugar and pectin and poured in the mold, turn upside down and the weight of the liquid popped that lid right off.  Bought at Family Dollar for $5 for a set of six.  No problem though.. I thought the design wasn't right so I just got out a sturdy thermal cup repoured and set them down inside the cup problem solved.  The brand I bought is Handy Gourmet.  It would have been better if they had designed it with a cup holder type thing and used the way I did but still it'll be a fun treat for us to use and I will buy more for my family for gifts.

Monday, July 27, 2015

I mentioned in a post last week that my sister's mil was getting rid of all her kitchenware items and my sister gave them to me yesterday.  I completely filled up my SUV so many wonderful wonderful items.. I can hardly bare to put them away for the yard sale.  A lot of rubbermaid, Corningware baking dishes, dishes which don't sell well here I gifted to my new next door neighbors who have just moved in and are struggling financially.. had him go through a few boxes I had on the porch for things they might be able to use.  Went over our monthly budget with a fine tooth comb today.. we are buying a (leasing) new car this weekend, test drove it today.  Honda Civic LX great gas milage.  I'll be trading in my 15 year old truck for the down payment which will reduce our monthly payments from $221 to $149.  I hate giving up old blue but she has seen better days and needs a lot of work done on her.. new brakes, new muffler, window won't roll but half way down then fingers crossed that it goes back up, transmission is showing signs it may give up the ghost, rusted out bumper.  It's 4Wheel Drive which I will miss.  The new car gets 32 mpg.  I did my research called our insurance company to make sure it didn't drastically change our rates up $10 a month.  I under budgeted my paycheck since some weeks rarely but some weeks I only work 18 hours instead of 24.  The upside is no more stress about unexpected repairs to the truck windshield wipers work weird too.. if you spray to clear the window off it won't turn off for over a half hour, they said about $300 or more to fix it.  Whew!

I found a lot of clearance meat at Krogers Friday 3 pork loins which I cooked all at one time on Sunday so lots of sandwich meat.  They were $4 or less for each one.  Got a pack of chicken leg quarters for less than $4 which I plan to cook tomorrow and freeze for later meals.  I'm thinking of deboning it after cooking.  Pack of center cut pork chops were also around $3.50 and may cook those tomorrow too and freeze.  I try to cook ahead when I have time so we have food ready to thaw and eat on days when I am working.

While at my sisters last weekend saw a nut tree on their property, found out yesterday it's a hickory nut tree so will be gleaning as much as I can of that and using those this winter (will freeze after cracking the nuts).  Another group said they are great for making substitute pecan pie and fudge with.  Also saw my sisters neighbor has a tree loaded with apples and she is going to ask if I can have them, so will take all I can and can them up.  With the added expense of a new car payment free is a good thing.  I am truly blessed that my sister has this wonderful property in the country with free produce for me that she is more than generous in giving me.

My nephew was gifted with a older crossbow.. this one looks like a rifle, very deadly.  My sisters friend who gave it to him took him to a indoor sporting range and taught him how to use it.  He also gave him a big target thing to shoot in so my sister and I spent yesterday afternoon with him learning how to use it too.  I am not a big fan of hunting but need to know the skill for survival.  My nephew and his father know how to process a deer or other game, nephew is 15 and in boy scouts.

I resubscribed to the Sunday paper this month to get coupons this weekend I found $8 of coupons that I can use so the newspaper is paying for itself and paying me to get it with the coupons.  It is $14.99 a month so I have to save at least that much to warrant getting it.  I was able to get a box of hair color last week for 50 cents after the coupon and in store sale.

Hope everyone enjoys my newsletter and happy frugal trails.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Dog Biscuits

Today I made Pumpkin dog biscuits using rice flour, canned pumpkin and eggs.  Not the most frugal but a little cheaper than buying it at the stores.  One of my dogs is allergic to corn and I have to buy fairly high priced Made In The USA biscuits $7.99 at Petco.  This recipe said it would make 75 biscuits but I only got 59 out of it.  I used a pizza wheel to cut them, maybe could have made them smaller but still 59 is at least cpl. weeks worth for my girls.  I'll allow to air dry at least 24 hours before putting them in a container.  I have made biscuits before and they got moisture in the container and molded.  I'll be watching that very carefully and may have to either freeze them or use the moisture packets I bought.

Price on this will go down in the fall when Pumpkin goes on sale.  I also thought about using fresh sweet potatoes cooked, mashed and added that would be cheaper too.

The main thing is the rice flour is a better healthier choice for my dog with allergies.

I may even think later about making homemade dog food adapting this recipe a little with meat pureed in it and vegetables and freezing it.  I would have to check with my Vet and perhaps get a vitamin supplement.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Frugal Target Practice

My nephew and I enjoy target shooting with BB guns.  I was picking up clay disc 8 pack $8.99 refill pack of 60 $10.99,  First set had the stakes you put in the ground, second pack is refills.  Anyways I was talking to a employee who suggested blowing up balloons and tying them to a frame of some sort he suggested making one out of pv pipe.  What a grand idea and one we will implement soon.  In the meantime though I bought water balloons, they didn't hold up well on the grass oddly enough but what did it was great fun watching them splash when we hit them with a bb.  Such fun times to share with my 15 year nephew.  Next up is bow and arrows.


Peach and Plum Jam and Jelly Day

Today I am making jams and jellies.  Peaches and Plums are on sale thru Thursday at Krogers 89 cents a lb. So I bought 17 lbs. Total.  I got 12 pints of jam out of that plus I am now making a depression era jelly .. Peach Jelly made from the skins of the peaches.  My elderly neighbor has made it for years and she shared her recipe with me today.  I made a mistake with my plum jam and preblanched it last night then read the recipe said to cut the pit, leave the skins on and cook..ooops.  I had saved the skins thinking I might make jelly from those skins too so I just added the skins back in, it was a icky looking color so I added a few drops of red food coloring.  I normally don’t do that but they didn’t look visually appealing.  Hoping the peach jelly is a good color if not may add a drop or two of orange food coloring to that batch as well.

Frugal focus is I am making all of it in half pints instead of jelly jars.. Jelly jars will now be reserved for gift giving and I will stock up more on half pints.  Using half pints saves on buying lids.  We have been going through 2 jelly jars a week so it’s not frugal to keep using those versus half pint jars.

Just got done with the peach jelly it is looking more like juice than jelly.. will have to come up with a use for it if it doesn't set up.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Savings Today

Krogers is doing their back to school specials.  I bought notebooks 19 cents each.  I use these at home for making out list of to do things, notes, etc. I also got 10 packs of ink pens (Bic brand) 97 cents each.

Krogers also put out a catalina for oil change, tire rotation etc. for NTB Tire store for $19.99.  Just so happens the oil light came on our car this morning.  I called Honda and told them we had the coupon, they said they honor competitors coupons.  Their price was $79.99 Savings $59.99.  They also put in a oil filter which the other places don't so that will cost a little more.


Monday, June 22, 2015

Higher Prices On Food Items This Year 2015

Because of the Avian bird flu we are seeing some higher prices on eggs which will also lead to higher prices on products made with eggs.

Miracle Whip
Ranch Dressing

So now is the time to quickly and quietly start stocking up on some of these items before they raise the prices on them.

I'm not sure what the shelf life on mayonaise is but I would definitely be stocking up looking for the longest shelf life date if this is a item you use often.

Of course chickens and turkeys are going to go up in price as well which is bad news for this household since we don't eat beef.  We will be stocking up and freezing as much as we can and doing more alternative meals like pork which seems to be down in price at the moment.

Another substitute which is always good to remember:

Cooking oils. You can use applesauce in place of oils for baking cakes, brownies for sure not sure about bread items I would think so.. so always make sure you have applesauce in stock too.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Frugal Sunday Cooking

I have brats and sausage both cooking in the roaster oven with red and green bell peppers over top on a roasting rack.. I have a tray of GFS Mac and Cheese cooking in the regular oven along with a pork sirloin that I bought yesterday at Krogers on clearance for $3.38. We will shred it and add BBQ sauce for sandwiches. I will also be cooking a chicken on top of the stove for the girls here in a minute.


Friday, June 19, 2015


Turned out to not be frugal but part of why I am frugal to be prepared for those times when I can't be as frugal as I want:

My dog Cocoa featured here on my profile picture.. we were playing frisbee last night and she broke a toenail completely off to the quick.  Emergency trip to the Vet as I didn't know if that was all or if she'd. broken her foot (she was holding her foot up in the air and was in pain).  Antibiotics, pain meds and a new boot for her to wear outside while the toenail heals.. $105.00 trip Ouch!

Last night in looking at my emergency supplies discovered I didn't have everything I needed:  No peroxide, very little neosporin.  So today.. Dollar Tree big bottle of Peroxide, 60 ct. pkg. of antibiotic wipes, Family Dollar Neosporin, travel pack of plastic bottles including a spray bottle to mix Peroxide and water to spray on wounds.  Gel Packs that I put in the freezer (Dollar Tree).  So got a few things that were missing in my emergency supplies.

Next week I will need to buy more baby aspirin.

So go through your supplies.. look at what is missing and address it immediately.  Emergencies aren't preplanned as was the case last night with Cocoa.  Fortunately my friend and neighbor had peroxide to borrow and I am blessed to have neighbors to depend on for those little things.. returned the favor tonight when they need half a cup of flour.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Harvesting Sun Flower Seeds Part I

I found this awesome video on YouTube yesterday and thought it worth sharing.  I have grown Mammouth Sunflower seeds many times over the years so easy and I need to get motivated soon to plant some on our property again this year if it ever stops raining.

I found it easier to cut as he did but use a fork tine to get the seeds out faster.  Make sure to plant extra to share with the birds and squirrels.


There were grown along my back fence line in the summer of 2008.

Cleaning Hard To Reach Outside Windows

I was watching our window cleaning service at my store a few weeks ago.. he had a handy long pole and made it look so easy to reach our floor to ceiling store windows.  I thought to myself.. Hmm I bet our hardware store has something like this" and sure enough Lowes had not only what he had but one more affordable that is working out great for the outside of my windows.  My problem is I had tried getting on a ladder but 3 sides of my house sit on land so the ladder wasn't very stable it kept sinking into the dirt and I feared tipping over.  Here is the product I bought:

I just bought a big bottle of window cleaner from Family Dollar for about $2.  Put it in a mop bucket with a little added water to fill the bucket and was able to make the outside of my windows shine.. Yay!  I love it.


Helpful Hint: Pesky Flies

Last year we had problems with flies in our trashcan laying maggots.. Ugh!  Flies everywhere on my porch and invading the house.  A neighbor told me this trick that works like magic.  When your trash can is empty (after trash pick up) pour household bleach all around the top part of the inside of the trash can and spray water in it again all around the top and down the insides of the trash can.  It killed the maggots instantly.  I then tipped the trash can over and emptied out the water and bleach on the driveway.  With the summer heat anything you put in the trash can that is moist and wet especially meats flies love to lay their eggs in..Yuck.  So I try each week to clean the trash can out cleaned out to avoid these pesky critters.



I have had the last 4 days off from work so I spent some time at home cleaning and organizing.  I finally unearthed the surface of my kitchen table that I use mostly as my office station.  My husband has a hard time standing for very long so now he should be able to sit at the kitchen table while doing food prepping when I'm not home.

I also took 2 plastic shoe boxes and repurposed them for the chest freezer.  I labeled one "cooked hamburger" since I have been cooking lbs. of hamburger (chicken burger) and freezing for future quick meals.  I cook the burger, cool it down and put it in freezer bags that I write on with a marker the date it was cooked.  This turns in to sloppy joes, taco meat, meat for spaghetti, etc. but it was getting lost in the chest freezer.  Now it has a home.  I also took another one and unearthed 2 ham bones with meat, put those in the shoe box and wrote on the top of the box "ham bones" so they also now have a home.  I love having a second freezer but things really get lost in there.. I found a whole uncooked chicken in there yesterday I had no idea I even had.  I'll be cleaning and repurposing more of my shoe boxes over the next week to round up more "loose" meats in there and make it more tidy.  I have pepperoni, salami, bacon that I could see that needed boxes.  I also found a plastic fron loading bin like this one except yellow:

That I bought at the thrift store for some reason.. it was just hanging around in the basement.  I dusted it off, put it in my upright freezer and things that I had frozen flat like bananas, strawberries, cookie dough.. all got put in it standing upright so I was able to "corral" more things that were unorganized in the freezer.  This will help me in knowing what I have in the freezer better.


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Cheesy Chicken and Mushroom Crepe Casserole

I came across this recipe recently and while I don't make crepes myself, my stores do so looks like a good change in pace for something new to try.  Hope you enjoy.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Frugal Websites & Blogs

I found this new site packed full of frugal tips so I thought I'd share it here:


Monday, June 8, 2015

This Weeks Frugals

I continue each week to buy gift cards from Krogers mostly to get the double fuel points and build up our emergency "cash" supply in case we have a financial hardship.  Kroger cards are good for at least a year so will rotate them eventually.  Also continue while they are doing the dbl. fuel perks to buy GC's for gift giving as well.  I bought a gift card from Petco since Krogers doesn't sell them (why?) for emergency hardship so we can still feed our dogs.  My Rottweiler is allergic to corn so I have to buy her food at Petco and it's $40 a bag.  They all sneak into each others food bowls so it would not be a good idea to give different food to each dog.  So the gift cards will be saved for hard times.  Hopefully there won't be any but a medical issue can really mess up your plans in a hurry and I'll feel better knowing we won't be without some of the things we need.  While I keep a pantry and stock up there are always things you will need to buy at some point.  Krogers cards can be used for gas for the vehicles, medications for us and the dogs and of course for food.

My garden is doing wonderful and so are my cherry tree's this year though it looks like the one in the back yard is about done.  The cherry tree in the front yard is a full sized Bing Cherry tree this is the first year it has produced cherries.. Yay! but dang it most of the cherries are so high in the tree I can't reach them LOL!

I have managed to get about a half quart frozen and hope to get a few more to make jam with..will have to add other fruits but I am proud that part of it came from my garden.

I also went to the thrift store this weekend and bought more cloth dinner napkins.. thinner ones that cost 59 cents each and I will use for hankies this winter when flu season hits.  I can't stand paper napkins they tear my nose up no matter how premoistend they say they are and soft on the nose blah blah.. after a day of using them my nose is raw and sore.  I will keep adding more of these dinner napkins to my supply so that both dh and I will have a good stock up if we need them.


Friday, June 5, 2015

This Weeks Frugals

Today I went back to Dollar Tree.. I wanted to get all the cans of pears they had.  Well apparently they don't restock very often because they only had the two cans I didn't buy because the were dented since I plan to eat them right away it's not a big thing but hope they get more in.  I also bought more of those plastic envelope things that you store paperwork in, 2 in a pack for dollar versus I've been buying at Krogers 89 cents each.  The other day I took some of the purple gift wrap paper the store gave me and cut it down into neater pieces still plenty big enough for wrapping a book, a small box, socks etc. in and put them in one of those plastic folders so they are nice and tidy when we need them.  I'll do more with the new folders.

Today I also went to Petco bought the dogs food and bought a $10 gift certificate.  I plan to do this weekly so I have it put back for hard times.  I plan to buy another card at Krogers tomorrow I'm not sure if the Kroger cards are double or not will have to check but will either buy a Kroger card or maybe buy a card for my sister's birthday in October.. she likes Kohls a certain brand of jeans they carry and she likes to buy herself a top or something off their clearance racks so that will be her birthday gift.  I bought her Bob Evans for Christmas so she could buy herself a special lunch they ended up using it as a family dinner so will buy her one for the family this year instead.

 A little at a time so I won't have to buy them all at once at the holidays and if we fall on hard times I know it's taken care of.

Lunch/Dinner today:  My husband wanted a Little Caesar pizza so he had half for lunch, half for dinner.  I bought a burritto at Taco Bell.  For dinner I turned in my free Ind. pizza coupons for Donatos and then bought us each a ice cream cone from Dairy Queen.  So total we spent $11 today for lunch, dinner and dessert.  Unfrugal but worth every dime.  I bought the dogs 1 small bouncy ball from Dollar Tree for $1.00.  Cocoa and Sugar chased it around the yard for about 3 minutes before Cocoa bit it and poof all the air went out of it.. they continued to play with it even deflated.  I bought a hoola hoop for a dollar they had no interest in it at all so it'll go across the fence to the little boys next door.

Stock Up:  I bought a 3 pack of bubblegum for my food storage.  Smoking vapor cigarettes you have to be able to charge them back up.  If we have a power outage I won't be able to charge them.  They say you can in your car but only if your car is running so that really isn't a option.  So the bubblegum will be my back up plan.  I also have a bag of cigarette tobacco and tubes that are unopened from when I smoked if I got desperate I could fall back on that temporarily if I got really desperate.  I also bought a bag of flavored hard tack candy different fruity taste to put in my stock up bag.  Next plan is another bag of cough drops.. I had some in there already used some when I had a cold in January always handy to have those when you are sick and don't want to go out to get them.  I also plan to buy more of the dinner napkins.. they had some thin ones that to me werent' really sturdy enough for dinner napkins but for hankies perfect size and weight.  So I'll be going to the thrift store sometime this weekend hoping they are still there.

I also donated to charity:  While I don't have a lot of extra money I donated $5 to the shelter in NC who are helping the dog Caitlin that her owner had taped her mouth shut for 3 days with electrical tape.  The money will go to help their medical bills for helping her and other dogs.  Our local shelter Capital Area Humane Society were in need of canned cat and dog food.  I sent them a check for $5 instead of driving there about 3 miles each way and taking time out of my schedule to do it.  That way they can buy whatever brand they need the most and possibly get a discount because they are a non profit.


Monday, May 25, 2015

This Week

My week was a frugal up and down.  We had started paying someone to do our weed whacking once a month $40 since my husband's health is not good and I have not had the arm strength to pull the weed whacker string.  We bought a new one yesterday that is batter operated and bought a extra battery about $179.00.  I can use it so we will save about $120.00 this year still in the hole a little bit but will pay off over the next 2 years.  We only had fast food once this week pizza on Friday night.  We did go out to lunch while on a road trip Saturday but since we can not go on vacation due to my work schedule, having 3 dogs and not wanting to board them this was a vacation day for us.  I made a very big lasagna today from scratch and we will have 4 more complete meals with the leftovers.  I found at Dollar Tree Aluminum trays with the lids (3 in a pack) for $1.00.  I put the lasagna in those, labeled and froze.  I will reuse them again.  My cherry tree in the front yard I had given up hope on it ever bearing cherries.. I found 3 cherries on it yesterday so looks like it's finally going to start producing.  I have cherries on my tree in the back yard it's a dwarf bing cherry they are green right now hoping I can get some before the birds do.  While at Dollar Tree.. I bought stems of silk flowers, one of those plastic cone things that you put the flowers down in the ground with and found these glass ceramic angels that are knick knacks.  I put the angels up against those cones and saw that they fit snugly against them.  Brought them home, hot glued them to the cones and made beautiful flower arrangements for the cemetery.  Cost for each about $6.00 versus at least $15 to $20 for ones already made into arrangements.  I found shelf stable milk both soy and regular $1 a box.. quart sized that I added to my pantry.  They have a year shelf life.  I keep powdered milk but I am lactose intolerant so the soy will work well for me.  I also found Peach Nectar in boxed containers $1 each which I will use to make Peach Jelly.  Peaches here are very very expensive and usually not very good quality so this is a cheaper alternative.  Box life year.  I also found 28 oz. cans of pears for $1.00 we eat a lot of canned fruit when we can't get fresh cheaper so these are a good pantry staple too.  We have a 70 year wedding anniversary to go to next Sunday.. was able to find dress clothes here at home to wear instead of having to buy them.  I kept all my work clothes from when I worked in a office years ago and some still fit.  Dh was fretting about a necktie found one he had here, he doesn't know how to do the knot so will go to youtube to figure it out.  In the past we always had to have a sales rep. in the store make them up for us or before that his Dad.  He wears a necktie once every cpl.years or so.  I bought another gc this week, this one a Kroger card and got dbl. points for it.  This goes in our emergency supply box for hard times.. they are good at least a year.  I also had coupons $3 off on Bic Razors.  They were $5.29 at Krogers so I got them for $2.29 each pack, bought 4 so we should be good for razors for awhile.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Today's Frugals

I have a 22 quart Nesco Roaster full of chili cooking.

Chopped up, mashed and put in the freezer approx. 8 lbs. of banana's to use in Fruit Smoothies

Chopped up 7 lbs. of strawberries to be used for making jam.  I also saved some out for this week's Fruit Smoothies.

I used a can of crushed pineapples for the fruit smoothies.

I have in the deep freezer and need to bring up today frozen spinach which will also go in the smoothies along with 1 tsp. of cinnamon each day.  Cinnamon helps lower blood pressure.  I need to do research someone told me parsley is good for your health, I think it lowers blood sugars but need to research that for sure.

I have in the oven a meatloaf using chicken burger for dinner tonight and a extra meal for next week.

I want to here in a bit before the oven cools down make a batch of brownies.

And I work tonight LOL!


Friday, May 8, 2015

How to test expired baking powder

I found 2 containers of unopened baking powder in my cabinet.  One exp. in 2012, the other exp. in 2014.  I didn't know if they were still good or not so I ask on one of my groups if anyone knew how to tell.

I got this website link and after doing the test, Yay! The one from 2014 is still good.  I threw the 2012 one out as it is 3 years or more older.

I want to make homemade flaky biscuits and not have to buy special flours or Bisquick mix so the recipe I have (very old from one of the original hard back books given to folks who bought the old General Electric Food Processors) that will allow me to really make these from scratch.  One of the biscuit recipes is called White Lightning.


Today's Frugals

Making strawberry jam today.  Made 10 jelly jars.  I still have strawberries left that I crushed, will need 1 more cup to make another batch which I'll hopefully do on Monday.

Will mow the yard instead of paying someone to do it for me.  Did the back yard yesterday, today is the front yard.

Will be working today working extra hours this week so the pay check next week will be a little sweeter.

Washing clothes will hang outside today as it's supposed to be another scorcher..

All meals from home this week but tonight will be fast food since I'm working on my day off.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Apple Berry Jelly

Today I used some partially saved fruit juices from fruit I made into jam over the last month or so.. Blackberry, Cherry and made up the difference with bottled apple juice from Aldi's.

I made 12 jars of what I'm calling Apple Berry Jelly.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Frugals This Week

Yesterday I went a little nuts.  My bil told me Meijers sells every day vegetable plants 4 for $1.00.  WHAT!!!  I called Meijers yesterday before driving the 7 miles to their store.  Yep, they are cheap.. but $1.29 for a plat of 4 prices went up a bit.  I madly dashed to my truck, broke the speed limits getting there and threw as many as I could in my cart.. not really counting just picking Early Girl, Big Boy, Rutgers, and some Habanero peppers.  Got to the register.. "that'll be $30.00.  Sigh!  I wasn't putting them back but that was way more than what I planned to spend or get.  So came home, dropped off the plants then went to Lowes and got 10 bags of Topsoil and 3 bags of good dirt for veggie plants.  Came home, got out all my big plant containers.. 10 gallon each at least in size, these I found at the curb of one of my neighbors several years ago, FREE.  I planted 22 plants yesterday.  Oh the Topsoil, I filled the pots up halfway with Topsoil, then the rest I put the good soil on top.  I still have more little plants out there waiting to be planted, will probably do that tomorrow on my day off.

I also had a coupon for Family Dollar $5 off a $25 purchase.  I had coupons for some of the items I planned to purchase.  So I saved $8 with the coupons, dang it still ended up spending $25 but got some stock up items that we are always running out of.

Today I researched online at and found a No Rise Pizza Crust recipe so I can start making our own pizza crust instead of buying it from a bakery.. should save me about $10 a month making my own.  The only ingredient I don't have here is active dry yeast will pick up some packets at Aldi's.

I have a wedding anniversary to attend the end of this month at a fancy golf club.  I needed a new dress to wear.  I saved all my work outfits from back when I worked as a receptionist.  So I shopped in my storage tub and found a very nice (one of several) skirt and matching top outfit, just need to run it through the dryer with a wet wash rag and a fabric softener sheet and we are good to go.  Savings at least $15 even buying at a thrift store.. yay!!


Friday, May 1, 2015

Recipes For Menu's I Listed

Chicken & Noodle Soup

Cook all 3 of your chickens in 2 or 3 pots of water, cook at least one hour per chicken. Cool, Debone. Use most of your chicken for a large batch of chicken and noodles, save some out for chicken sandwiches. Freeze all of it for later meals.

This recipe is for just the chicken and noodles, no veggies added.

Recipe for Noodles:

Egg Noodles Recipe -

Vegetarian Vegetable Soup:

1 jar spaghetti sauce
4 bags mixed veggies
1 or 2 chopped onions

Vegetarain Chili:
2 lg. cans chili beans (see shopping list)
1 lg. can diced tomaotes
1 Jar spaghetti sauce
2 onions

Servings: About 20

Meatloaf: Simple 

1 lb. Turkey Burger
1 1/2 sleeves of crushed saltines ( I use a rolling pin to crush mine)
1 onion chopped or diced with a knife
2 eggs
1 Jar Spaghetti Sauce

Mix all together, put in a casserole type pan and bake at 350 F for at least 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. I use a square pan not a bread loaf pan.

Salmon Loaf

1 can salmon
2 eggs
1 onion chopped chopped or diced with a knife

Mix all together, put in a casserole pan again I use a square pan and bake at 350 one hour or make into patties and fry in a skillet.


Useful Kitchen Tools

I have bought these at the thrift store the cheese slicer I got for 30 cents, the grater around 99 cents. 

Kitchen Tools to look for:

Cheese Slicer:

Food Grater:

Potato Masher

Hand Mixer

$29 A Week Challenge Menu Part II

30 Days of Breakfasts

Cereal Wheat Bran Flakes $1.79 ( 17 Servings) 17 Days of Cereal

4 Half Gallons =Milk: Krogers 99 cents Half Gallon Sale Last Week $4.00

16 servings of milk in a gallon 8 oz. 32 Meals at one 8 oz. glass per servings

Eggs 2 dozen 12 Days of Eggs & Toast for Breakfast

One Day Toast Only with Apple Sauce


Leftovers of Dinner Meals or Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches with Apple Sauce

Homemade Chicken & Noodles Soup

Meatloaf with Homemade Mashed Potatoes

Shredded Chicken Sandwiches Plain or With BBQ Sauce

Turkey Burgers with Whole Pickles

Salmon Loaf

Meatloaf Sandwiches with Mashed Potatoes

Spaghetti (Meatless) with Spaghetti Sauce & Cheese (shredded)

Turkey Hot Dogs with Dill Pickle

Scrambled Eggs with Melted Cheese on Toast

Chili 20 Meals Vegetarian Chili

4 Meals of Fish Sticks 5 each meal with veggies on the side or a baked potatoe

I didn't add it but I think my budget allowed to buy 4 more bags of frozen veggies: Corn, Peas, Green Beans to add to meals.

GFS carries 2 lb. bags of frozen veggies pretty cheap but I didn't include it since I can't remember exactly how much they would be.

$29 A Week Food Challenge Part II Menu

What I did assuming you would get a months worth of food stamps/Snap/EBT whatever you want to call it so it would be $116.00 for a Month of Food:

It was very difficult and time consuming for me to get this together but I did it, I hope:

3 Chickens 4 lbs. Each= $15.00 (Aldi’s)

3 Turkey Burger 1 lb. Each $1.89 X3=7.56 (Aldi’s)

1 Pkg. Fish Sticks 20 Ct. $3.00(Aldi’s)

2 Pkg. Turkey Hot Dogs 99 cents each =$1.98 (Aldi’s)

1 Can Salmon $2.00 (Aldi’s)

2 1 lb. packs spaghetti Noodles $1.00 Each =$2.00 (Krogers)

4 Jars Hunts Spaghetti Sauce 99 cents each can=$4.00 (1/2 jar or less for each Spaghetti Meal 4 Meals) Use Approximately 1 Jar for Meatloaf & 1 Jar for Chili)

2 Packs Hamburgers Buns 8 Pk. 89 cents X2=$2.00 (Aldi’s)

3 Dozen Eggs $1.50 each X 2=$4.50 (Aldi’s)

Condiments.. Mustard, Ketchup, Relish, Miracle Whip, BBQ Sauce (generic) $6.00 (Aldi’s)

Hot Dog Buns 2 Packs 89 X 2=$1.98 (Aldi’s)

1- 5 lb. Pkg. Mild Cheddar Cheese Chunk $8.99 (GFS)

2 loafs of Wheat Bread 99 cents each X 2=$1.98 (Aldi’s)

1 lb. Real Butter $2.49 (Aldi’s)

1 Block Cheese 5 lb. $8.99 (GFS)

4- 1 lb. pkgs. Of frozen mixed vegetables (Krogers on sale) $1.00 Each X 4=$4.00 Use for big pot of vegetable Soup

Chili Beans-6 lbs. 16 oz. X 2=$4.99 X 2= $11.00 (GFS)

Diced Tomatoes 1 Can = 4 lbs. 6 oz. =3.99 (GFS)

2 Bell Peppers 1.00 cents (Aldi’s)

1 Bag Onions 79 cents(Aldi’s) (use for Chili, Vegetable Soup, Salmon Loaf & Meatloaf)

Bag Potatoes 10 lbs. $3.00 (Aldi’s) Use about 8 lb. of potatoes peeled, boiled & made into mashed potatoes.. freeze in small containers for meals. Use leftover potatoes to make baked potatoes for other meals.

5 lbs. Flour $1.50 (Aldi’s) Use to make homemade noodles for chicken noodle soup

Saltines 99 cents a box (Aldi’s) Use for Meatloaf Mix & Salmon Loaf Mix some will be leftover, maybe use crushed in Vegetable Soup & Chili

Peanut Butter 18 oz. $1.89 (Aldi’s)

Grape Jelly 18 oz. Est. Cost 99 cents (Aldi’s)

Large Apple Sauce $1.89 (Aldi’s)

Half Gallon Whole Dill Pickles Mt. Olive Brand (Walmart) $4.00

2 4 lb. Bags of Oranges $1.49 on sale ($3.00) (Aldi’s)

Banana’s 44 cents a lb. =$1.32 (Aldi’s) 3 a bundle 8 Meals at one banana each meal

7 cans of Fruit (Pears, Peaches,Tropical Fruit) 14 Meals $6.23 (Aldi’s)

1 box Cereal Wheat Bran Flakes 17 Servings $1.79 (Aldi’s)

2 Gallons Milk (Kroger sale 99 cents half gallon ($4.00 for 4 half gallons)
reserve some milk (see recipe for Egg Noodles)

Chicken Broth (free) save chicken broth from boiling chicken for your Chicken & Noodle Soup)


$29 A Week Food Challenge Part I

A hollywood celebrity took on the challenge of trying to eat on a budget of $29 for a week as I guess most people who live on food stamps get a average of $29 per person per week to live on. She failed on Day 4.

It got me to thinking about if I could do it. I was able to get 13 meals with 62 cents left and I need to tweak it to see if I can find a meal for that 62 cents. I did a lot of repeat foods and would like to have seen more variety to the menu and I had to assume that they had some of the basic things in their pantry like flour. 

The meals have to not only be filling but have to be nutritious somewhat as well. I did my menu mostly from Aldi's.

Anyone else want to take on the challenge?

If so, please state what state you are in and what grocery stores you based it on and how much each item cost so we have a better idea of where to shop, what to look for etc.

Oh and we have to assume they live in a apt. type setting or don't have access to a area to grow fruits or vegetables. Foraging might be o.k. to list.. I know if I didn't have my fruit tree's my neighbors do and I could ask for apples for free. So if you actually have a real life situation where you could get free fruit post that and what you did with it fresh. Again, the average folks out there don't can like many of us do.. very sad wish there were free classes to teach this skill.

Frugal This Week

I have done a lot of prepping this week to avoid the temptation of fast fooding:

I cooked 8 lbs. of potatoes after peeling and cutting it into chunks.  I made a large batch of mashed potoates and froze.  I also cooked a large tray of Mac and Cheese that I bought from Gordon Food Service and divided into smaller freezer containers.  Will use with meat dishes for meal planning over the next cpl. weeks.  We had big servings of it Saturday for lunch.

I completed a month of meals for the $29 a week meal budgeting challenge that a hollywood star tried to do saying the average single person on food stamps/Snap/EBT would get.  It was really hard and certainly makes me count my blessings that I have more than that to work with.  I will be posting that plan here shortly to this blog.

Today I tried to download Krogers digital downloads to my account but their site has crashed due to too many people trying to do it all at the same time.  I called customer service and they are aware of the problem and said to call back to get my points added to my account.  I need to buy all 3 of my dogs Frontline Flea Meds which will be over $100 plus have to buy groceries so those points are definitely a plus.

This week I also used fuel points that I had accumulated with purchases for April saved 90 cents off per gallon at Krogers.  I have a big truck that uses a lot of gas so that was a great savings.  Took my gas price down to $1.47 per gallon.

I left a job earlier this year that was 14 miles each way which saved me using so much gas.  I now work 2 miles from home, took a tiny bit of a pay cut but with the gas saved and now only having to pay Columbus City taxes instead of both Columbus and Minerva Park (small subdivision of Columbus) taxes I actually bring home more money, have stable hours so it paid off.  I miss my co workers from there terribly but a better financial move for me.

Last summer AEP cut down a large maple tree in my back yard that was in the way of power lines and overshadowing my garden and clothesline.  They left 11 big sized logs of wood in the yard which I was not physically able to move.  I posted on Craigslist that I had free maple wood, got so many inquiries and was able to get it out in less than 12 hours.  Awesome.  So I saved money by not having to pay someone to remove it and someone got free burning wood for their fireplace.. a Win Win!

I have several towels that have seen better days.. rather than throw them away I cut them into smaller pieces and yesterday crocheted a border on one so that it doesn't fray in the washing machine.  Used one as a floor mat in the bathroom, smaller ones once I get the border on will be used for cleaning rags.  I just did 2 single rows of crochet and sewed it on to the towel.

Wednesday night I took out a lb. of chicken burger (we don't eat beef) and fried it up, added a can of sloppy joe mix and made sloppy joes which I then froze.  This will be for a meal on Saturday night when I get off work.  Dh is always tempting me to pick up fast food on my way home from work instead of eating at home.  Savings:  $14.00 versus buying meals and sides at Arby's.

I also made brownies from a box mix yesterday morning 99 cents plus 2 eggs and froze most of it for treats when we want something sweet.

Krogers has Wheat Thins on sale this week 2 for $4.  I had coupons for $1 dollar of 2.  I bought 4 at $1.50 each for snacks.  I really need to get out my frugal books and learn to make them myself.

Can't think of anything else right at the moment but wanted to share.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Prepping/Stocking Up Plan This Week

Just back from a stock up/prepping plan.  Family Dollar..had a $5 off $25 purchase coupon.  I bought another dish soap (now have 2) another detergent (now have 1 1/2), big bottle of Pine Sol (now have 1 1/3) and the Pine Sol serves 2 purposes now days).  I mop with it, clean the toilet with it and now water it down in a spray bottle and use it for cleaning my kitchen counters instead of buying spray cleaner.  I don't like vinegar and in my own personal opinion after having tried it, don't like the way it cleans versus a commercial cleaner.  So anyways.. I think that was it, my bill didn't quite come to $25 so the coupon wasn't coming off, needed to spend another 35 cents.  So I bought a tube of toothpaste.  We use Pepsodent which is a $1 a tube so I got that and got my groceries there after cpn. and with the taxes for $22.00.  Oh forgot bought 2 packages of TP also.

Aldi's.. I needed Almond Milk.  I bought that, another jar of PB for stockup, 2 packages of English Muffins so I can check that off my list for my big shopping trip later this week or early next.  Dh goes through 2 of those in 7 days usually.  They had Bell Peppers 3 pack for 69 cents so I bought 11 packs totally 33 bell peppers.  I just got done cleaning, chopping and bagging them.. I would like to get more before the sale is over, we use a lot of bell peppers in everything we cook.  These will go in the deep freezer today.

Yesterday I made 10 jelly jars of strawberry preserves.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It's been awhile since I've posted life has been hectic and scary lately.  I got a new job a month ago at a local candy store and at the same time found out that my husband has cancer so it's been a month of emotional turmoil and a bit overwhelming.  We are thanking God today that his cancer had not spread from prostrate to anywhere else in his body, now just trying to get the doctor's coordinated to start his radiation treatments.

Frugals has been of course getting another job and getting a extra paycheck coming in to help with the bills, groceries and living.

Today I am cooking a chicken before heading out to the Vet with my oldest dog for her shots, annual checkup and Free toe nail trimming which she needs badly as she wont let us anywhere near her toes.. silly thing.

The chicken is for the dogs versus buying nasty canned dog food plus it's cheaper.

I have tomorrow off and will be making a big batch of mashed potatoes as well as strawberry jam. The strawberries I bought at GFS for about $8 after my coupon.  I still miss working there, it was probably one of the best jobs I had as far as working with a good group of people.  Anyways. I need to focus more on getting our pantry stocked back up as I'm not sure how long this new job will last, a lot more demanding than what I thought it would be a lot more requirements than they lead me to believe when I signed up.

Oh I ordered some supplies from one of my candle suppliers, will be selling some of my fragrance oil to recoup the cost of my order.

Other frugals is I have been working on a afghan for my bil for Christmas this year and using coupons for the yarn I'm using at Michaels.  I love that they accept competitors coupons as Joann's has been sending out some good ones 50% off one week which has helped keep the cost down.  I love Joann's but they are too far away for it to be convenient for me to get there and every time I do go they don't have the yarn I'm looking for.

Have  a frugal day my friends.


Thursday, February 19, 2015


Frugal while I've been off work is working on 2 afghans for Christmas presents.  One will be squares made into a "quilt" patterned afghan.  I used coupons and sales yesterday at Michaels to buy 2 Red Heart yarn, colors turquoise and a lime green.  Other colors deep purple, bubblegum pink (hot pink), white, dark blue, most from yarns I already had here. The Red Heart was buy one for $3.19 get the second half price.  The other I had a coupon for 40% off on, making it with tax a little over $5 this one is a lb. of yarn kelly green for bil's afghan.

I'm including a link here for a pair of slippers that looks pretty easy if I could find the felt insoles they are using they say buy them at the dollar store but I've never seen this kind before.   I wouldn't want to use regular felt as I don't think it would be stiff enough.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015


It's been a tough few days since I quit my job last week.  I went to 2 interviews yesterday one was not the hours I wanted I can't work till 11pm, that's just not a option.  The other I am waiting to hear back from but will entail orientation, training, physical, TB testing so won't just be able to jump in there and go.

In the meantime trying to be frugal here at home and watch our pennies closely.

Today's dinner is a chicken which I am boiling now, will debone and serve over mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans on the side.

Lunches this week have been fried egg sandwich using what we have on hand.

I've been catching up on my crocheting while I've been off and took advantage of the good weather today to take Cocoa for a walk.  Sugar needs a new collar, hers is too small so she's on hold till I can buy her a new one.

Also frugal is saving the chicken broth from todays chicken to use later.


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday~Being Prepared

Another day of working night shift so this morning I baked boxed chicken in the oven after baking 2 dozen cookies, Sugar Cookie and Choc. Chip.  Also will be heating leftover Mac/Cheese in a few minutes.  Add a canned veggie and dinner is ready for dh when he gets home from work today.  And dinner for me when I get in.

We are experiencing icy rain right now supposed to warm up and turn to rain later today.  Last night after I got off work, stopped and filled my truck up with gas so I don't have to do it in the bad weather today.  I was on a little over 1/4 of a tank.  Doing laundry this morning so if we would loose power we have clean clothes and extra blankets.  I went in to work a few minutes early yesterday and bought Pepsi while it was on sale 3 for $9, left it in work till I clocked out so it wouldn't freeze.  Today I will buy a 5 lb. can of Northern Beans and make a big pot of beans this weekend with cornbread.

Next week one of our meals will be leftover chicken and noodles from Monday's dinner this week.  Trying to stay focused on the meal planning.

Today for lunch I will make a sub, eat half for lunch today, half for tomorrow's lunch.

Last week I bought 3 premade frozen pizza crust which dh will make a pizza tomorrow night, I will make a sub for myself when I get off work or during the day tomorrow and heat when I come home. We are saving about a $100 a month by not buying pizza at a restaurant.  Pizza sauce I buy at work 5 lb. can for about $5 I think maybe a little less.  It will last over a month.

Oh and I have been going back to some of my frugal and Preparedness sites and catching up on post to continue staying focused on the goal of living frugally.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Not a lot particularly frugal going on lately.  Our new SUV Honda CRV is continuing to save us money by using less gas than our other vehicles.  With Kroger fuel points, we filled it up for $14 this week and with dh driving it to and from work only will last us at least 2 weeks.  Wish we could afford a second one.

Frugal is staying focused on meal planning.  I am working evening/night shift this week and the next 2 which means making meals in the morning so dh has dinner when he comes home and when I get off work and home around 8:30pm and sure don't feel like trying to cook something for myself that late in the evening.  Yesterday we had spicy sausage sort of like Brats, sliced up and fried with assorted color bell peppers and served over rice.

This morning I have just cooked Rigatoni noodles which I will drain and put in a  Corningware casserole pan and top with Spaghetti Sauce and Cheese.  Dh can heat and serve when he gets home, I will put a second serving for myself in another container for when I get home.

So staying focused instead of ordering or picking up fast food will save us money, stress and time during this cold winter month.

My darling new puppy is chewing up one of my chairs, sigh!  So I bought fabric last week at Walmarts $6 something a yard and am patching up her tears till hopefully she gets past this stage.. GRRR!!  We have not had a pup do this in 20 years.  Our first dog did this, it was separation anxiety but the puppy we have now does it when we're home so not sure what her problem is.. Bad Doggy!


Monday, January 12, 2015


Frugal this week?

I bought a extra ham butt from my store, they were marked down to $6.  I will be cutting it into slices today for my lunches at work this week, the rest will be chunked and put in the deep freezers for ham and bean soups.  Today I am making blackberry preserves and jelly from frozen berries I bought from work.  Blackberries fresh here are crazy high on sale $1 for a 6 oz. container so it is more frugal to buy them in bulk frozen from my store more so with my employee discount.  We gave these away as Christmas gifts to our friends and family and it was a huge hit.  I found a recipe on Facebook yesterday for dog biscuits that are made without wheat or corn meal, my rottweiler is allergic to corn so will be looking at the ingredients needed to start making these myself.  I know it uses pumpkin which I don't have on hand.  Long run cheaper, safer for my dogs than buying commercial products especially with the recent scare over dog treats made in China.  I use to make them before my rotty that had corn meal.  Just make up the dough, took a pizza cutter and criss crossed.. the dogs don't mind that they aren't shaped like dog bones LOL!  One thing I had a problem with before was them going bad quickly so lesson learned.. keep the majority in the deep freezer, pull out small batches or use the oxygen absorber packets.  Frugal was going to Odd Lots and finding Christmas stuff reduced 75% on Saturday.  I bought a lifetime supply of gift tags, while I could make my own the question becomes will I really do it or bend and buy at full price because I didn't have them.  I also found beautiful Christmas cards for $1.25.  And square cookie tins marked down to 87 cents.  I use these alot for food storage.  I use some to store sleeves of snack crackers and saltines, boxes of gelatin mix, hot cocoa packets.. anything that I feel a bug or mouse might get into.  Cereal I put in glass containers, same with oatmeal.  The mouse we had in our basement a cpl. years ago.. only thing he could find to eat in the basement was candle sticks, straw from a broom I kept down there and a slab of soap I had made and let air dry down there and forgot about.  Other frugals all meals made at home and lunches taken to work for both myself and dh.  I stocked up this week on a pkg. of ramen noodles, gotta repackage those this week into safer containers.  I also bought for emergency stock up some cans of Campbells soup that were a little out of the ordinary.. Cream of Shrimp, Cream of Onion, Black bean with cumin and cilantro.  These can be used to make a creative and different meal especially if we lose power.  I found a recipe yesterday in one of my cookbooks for Mock Cabbage Rolls.  You use shredded cabbage and onion soup mix along with a lb. of burger.  In the summer months I can plant cabbage, use canned meat instead of fresh and cook in  a iron skillet over my butane burner if we lost power or even just for a economical meal, again variety keeps us from getting bored with the same meals and the temptation to buy fast food or if one of us were to lose our jobs.  After 911 I never take for granted that we will have our jobs.  My husband and I both worked for the same company, while my hours weren't cut my husbands were and some people were laid off there.  Scary times and something I keep in mind always now.  Stay warm and safe my friends.. we are having ice storms here today in central Ohio.