Paid bills on time or ahead of time.
Got a free 12 pack of Nestea at Krogers using their Free Friday Digital coupon.
Bought only what I needed from the stores, no impulse buys.
Frozen Tombstone Pizza's, doctored up and served at home instead of buying pizza at a fast food restaurant, savings $25.00 off what we would normally pay since dh and I don't like the same type of pizza's and sometimes I don't want pizza at all so buy a sub or a sandwich instead.
Watched a free new series Breaking Bad on Netflix instead of renting movies out. We will be going to streaming only on Netflix this weekend till fall as we don't watch movies very much during the spring/summer/fall months we're outside more often. And I'm trying to get a part time job so I won't be home to watch movies much if I get a job.
I'm hoping to get a job to pay off some small debt we have in order to purchase a new vehicle next year.. so working towards the goal of paying off debt.
This goal was accomplished .. got the new job end of April, bought the new car in September.