Thursday, April 9, 2015

Prepping/Stocking Up Plan This Week

Just back from a stock up/prepping plan.  Family Dollar..had a $5 off $25 purchase coupon.  I bought another dish soap (now have 2) another detergent (now have 1 1/2), big bottle of Pine Sol (now have 1 1/3) and the Pine Sol serves 2 purposes now days).  I mop with it, clean the toilet with it and now water it down in a spray bottle and use it for cleaning my kitchen counters instead of buying spray cleaner.  I don't like vinegar and in my own personal opinion after having tried it, don't like the way it cleans versus a commercial cleaner.  So anyways.. I think that was it, my bill didn't quite come to $25 so the coupon wasn't coming off, needed to spend another 35 cents.  So I bought a tube of toothpaste.  We use Pepsodent which is a $1 a tube so I got that and got my groceries there after cpn. and with the taxes for $22.00.  Oh forgot bought 2 packages of TP also.

Aldi's.. I needed Almond Milk.  I bought that, another jar of PB for stockup, 2 packages of English Muffins so I can check that off my list for my big shopping trip later this week or early next.  Dh goes through 2 of those in 7 days usually.  They had Bell Peppers 3 pack for 69 cents so I bought 11 packs totally 33 bell peppers.  I just got done cleaning, chopping and bagging them.. I would like to get more before the sale is over, we use a lot of bell peppers in everything we cook.  These will go in the deep freezer today.

Yesterday I made 10 jelly jars of strawberry preserves.


1 comment:

  1. praying for you as you and your husband live through this trial seem know more than i do so far...i want to learn to crochet and can...i started crocheting but the project is on pause due to a great big knot in my yarn....i don't know how to stop it and restart it....anyway just wanted to let you know I would be thinking of and praying for ya.
